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one(英文单词) (one英文单词)

作者:颜延志 生活经验 2023-04-15 14:10:23 阅读:24








one作为代词的用法複数形式为ones。用来指代前文提到的同类但不是同一个的可数名词(如果是不可数名词用that)。表示泛指。可作前置定语或后置定语,也可单独使用,特指时必须加上定冠词the。注意区别one与it,that。One 英[wʌn]美[wʌn]口语练习跟读pron. 一个人;任何人adj. 一的;唯一的n. 一num. 一;一个n. (One)人名;(老)温1.
the ***allest whole number or a numeral representing this number
he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it ; they had lunch at one
a single person or thing
he is the best one ; this is the one I orderedadj.1.
used of a single unit or thing; not two or more
having the indivisible character of a unit
spoke with one voice
of the same kind or quality
two animals of one species4.
used informally as an intensifier
that is one fine dog5.
indefinite in time or position
he will come one day ; one place or another6.
being a single entity made by combining separate components
three chemicals combining into one solution7.
eminent beyond or above comparison
she's one girl in a million ; the one and only Muhammad Ali
同义词:matchless/nonpareil/one and only(a)/peerless/unmatched/unmatchable/unrivaled/unrivalled1.NUMBER2.PRONOUN, DETERMINER AND ADJECTIVE USES3.phrasesone/wʌn/CET4 TEM41.NUMOneis the number 1. 1
They had three sons and one daughter.
...one thousand years ago.
…1000年以前。one/wʌn/1.ADJIf you say that someone or something is theoneperson or thing of a particular kind, you are emphasizing that they are the only person or thing of that kind. 惟一的强调
They had alienated the one man who knew the business.
他们已经疏远了那个惟一懂这行的人。2.DETOnecan be used instead of "a" to emphasize the following noun. 用来代替(a),强调后接的名词强调
There is one thing I would like to know – What is it about Tim that you find so irresistible?
有一件事我想知道–蒂姆到底有什幺让你觉得那幺不可抗拒?3.DETYou can useoneinstead of "a" to emphasize the following adjective or expression. 用来代替(a),强调后接的形容词或短语
If we ever get married we'll have one terrific wedding.
如果我们结婚,我们会举办一场盛大的婚礼。4.DETYou can useoneto refer to the first of two or more things that you are comparing. (表示与其他事物作比较) 这个
Prices vary from one shop to another.
各家商店价格不同。5.ADJOneis also an adjective. 这个
The one thing that she accomplished was raising money to update our facilities.
她完成的这项工作就是募集资金来更新我们的设备。6.PRONOneis also a pronoun. 这一个
The twins were dressed differently and one was thinner than the other.
这对双胞胎穿着各异,而且其中一个比另一个瘦。7.PRONYou can useoneoronesinstead of a noun when it is clear what type of thing or person you are referring to and you are describing them or giving more information about them. 用来替代名词所指的很明确的人、物
They are selling their house to move to a ***aller one.
他们要卖掉他们的房子,搬到一个小点的房子去住。8.PRONYou useonesto refer to people in general. 人们
We are the only ones who know.
我们是惟一知情的人。9.PRONYou can useoneinstead of a noun group when you have just mentioned something and you want to describe it or give more information about it. 用以替代名词词组表示的刚提到的且要详细描述的事物
The issue of land reform was one that dominated Hungary's parliamentary elections.
土地改革是一个左右匈牙利议会选举的问题。10.DETYou can useonewhen you have been talking or writing about a group of people or things and you want to say something about a particular member of the group. (特定的一群人或事物中的) 一个
"A college degree isn't enough," said one honours student.
“只有一个大学的学位还不够,”一位优等生说。11.PRONOneis also a pronoun. 一个
Some of them couldn't eat a thing. One couldn't even drink.
他们中有些人一点东西都不能吃,有一人甚至连水都不能喝。12.QUANTYou useonein expressions such as "one of the biggest airports" or "one of the most experienced players" to indicate that something or someone is bigger or more experienced than most other things or people of the same kind. (最…) 之一
Subaru is one of the ***allest Japanese car makers.
斯巴鲁是最小的日本汽车製造商之一。13.DETYou can useonewhen referring to a time in the past or in the future. For example, if you say that you did somethingone day, you mean that you did it on a day in the past. 某一个 (过去或将来的时间)
How would you like to have dinner one night, just you and me?
哪天晚上一起吃饭怎幺样,就你和我?14.one day →seeday15.PRONYou useoneto make statements about people in general which also apply to themselves.Onecan be used as the subject or object of a sentence. 人们
If one looks at the bigger picture, a lot of positive things are happening.
Where does one go from there?


one/wʌn/1.PHRASEYou can usefor oneto emphasize that a particular person is definitely reacting or behaving in a particular way, even if other people are not. 就某人来说强调
I, for one, hope you don't get the job.
就我来说,我不希望你得到那份工作。2.PHRASEYou can use expressions such asa hundred and one,a thousand and one, anda million and oneto emphasize that you are talking about a large number of things or people. (表示强调) 很多强调
There are a hundred and one ways in which you can raise money.
有很多你可以筹钱的办法。3.PHRASEYou can usein oneto indicate that something is a single unit, but is made up of several different parts or has several different functions. 集为一体
...a love story and an adventure all in one.
…一个集爱情与冒险于一体的故事。4.PHRASEYou useone after the otherorone after anotherto say that actions or events happen with very little time between them. 一个接一个地
My three guitars broke one after the other.
我的3把吉它一个接着一个地坏了。5.PHRASEThe one and onlycan be used in front of the name of an actor, singer, or other famous person when they are being introduced on a show. (用在演出前的介绍中) 独一无二的
...one of the greatest ever rock performers, the one and only Tina Turner.
…有史以来最伟大的摇滚歌手之一,举世无双的蒂纳·特纳。6.PHRASEYou can useone by oneto indicate that people do things or that things happen in sequence, not all at the same time. 依次地
We went into the room one by one.
我们依次走进了房间。7.PHRASEYou useone or otherto refer to one or more things or people in a group, when it does not matter which particular one or ones are thought of or chosen. 或者这个或者那个
One or other of the two women was wrong.
这两个妇女中总有一个错了。8.PHRASEOne or twomeans a few. 几个
We may make one or two changes.
I've also sold one or two to a publisher.
我也卖了几个给一位出版商。9.PHRASEIf you try to getone up onsomeone, you try to gain an advantage over them. 略胜某人一筹
...the competitive kind who will see this as the opportunity to be one up on you.
…那种会把这视为一次胜过你的机会的好胜者。10.one another →seeanother11.one thing after another →seeanother12.of one mind →seemind13.in one piece →seepiece


one of其中之一,之一one day(将来)有一天;总有一天;(过去)某一天in oneadv. 成为一体;[口]只试一次双语例句原声例句权威例句1.
Can you spareoneof them for me?跟读
My children have noone to play with.跟读
Nooneunderstands me.跟读


都可以指代上文出现过的名词。it指上文出现过的特定事物,即同一事物。one则指代与上文事物同属一类中的一个,并不是同一个事物。The electrical fan is new, but it doesn't work well.(指同一颱风扇)这台电风扇是新的,但运转不好。This electrical fan doesn't work well. I'll try a new one.(不是同一颱风扇)这台电风扇运转不好,我要换一台新的。



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