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打扰一下英语 (对不起打扰一下英语)

作者:顾传刚 科普百科 2023-04-21 18:01:42 阅读:24


  Excuse me 读音[ɪkˈskjuz mi] 请原谅;劳驾;对不起;打扰一下 造句: 1 I hope you will excuse me. 尚希见谅。
   2 Excuse me. Could you give me a light? 劳驾,借火使使。
   3 I sincerely hope you'll excuse me.; I hope you would。

打扰一下英语 (对不起打扰一下英语)


  可以翻译成中文音节,还有英语excuse me 英[iksˈkju:z mi:] 美[ɪkˈskjuz mi] 释义:打扰一下;请问;打扰了 例句 1、Excuse me, but I must say you are completely wrong. 对不起,但是我必须说你完全错了。
   2、Excuse me, have you get a light by any chan。


  “打扰一下”的英语: "Excuse me." 释义: 请原谅; 劳驾; 对不起; 造句: 1、I hope you will excuse me. 希望你能原谅我。
   2、Excuse me,can you please tell me how to go to People's Park? 打扰一下,你能告诉我去人民公园怎么走吗? 3、Plea。


  打扰一下英文打扰一下英文是Excuse me。
   Excuse me 词义:词组:对不起,打扰一下。
   固定搭配:Excuse me for a minute 我失陪一会儿。
  Excuse me, but are you Mr. Honig? 打扰一下,请问您就是霍尼格先生吗? 意思相近的单词有: disturb 词。


  Excuse me 读音[ɪkˈskjuz mi] 请原谅;劳驾;对不起;打扰一下 造句: 1 I hope you will excuse me. 尚希见谅。
   2 Excuse me. Could you give me a light? 劳驾,借火使使。
   3 I sincerely hope you'll excuse me.; I hope you would。



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