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遥远星际 (遥远星际之一季在线观看)

作者:温海滢 在线学习 2023-04-21 06:31:48 阅读:25






更多追问追答 追问 第3季还是没有中文字幕,都是英文,给我发个字幕呗 追答 呵呵,我知道你要的是字幕,之前就已经给你找过了,如果有早发给你了,还能让你费这么大劲再提一次问呀。可这还真没有!所以只能寄希望于视频里自带的字幕了,这也是我说让你先测试一下我这次帮你找到的新资源里是否是自带中文字幕的原因了。结果还是没有,我也是真得么有办法了~~—_—!!! 追问 辛苦了,我就光看影像,不看字了 追答 呵呵,没字幕那你这片看得也很辛苦呢!不过就全当训练英语听力了吧!!*^_^* 来自:求助得到的




  Season 1
  Farscape Season 1,22集
  101 Premiere
  102 I, E.T.
  103 Exodus from Genesis
  104 Throne for a Loss
  105 Back and Back and Back to the Future
  106 Thank God It's Friday, Again
  107 PK Tech Girl
  108 That Old Black Magic
  109 DNA Mad Scientist
  110 They've Got a Secret
  111 Till the Blood Runs Clear
  112 Rhapsody in Blue
  113 The Flax
  114 Jeremiah Crichton
  115 Durka Returns
  116 A Human Reaction
  117 Through the Looking Glass
  118 A Bug's Life
  119 Nerve
  120 The Hidden Memory
  121 Bone to Be Wild
  122 Family Ties
  Season 2
  Farscape Season 2,22集
  Mind the Baby
  Vitas Mortis
  Taking the Stone
  Crackers Don't Matter
  The Way We Weren't
  Picture If You Will
  Home on the Remains
  Dream a Little Dream
  Out of Their Minds
  My Three Crichtons
  A Kiss Is But a Kiss
  Look at the Princess: Part 2: I Do, I Think
  Look at the Princess: Part 3: The Maltese Crichton
  Beware of Dog
  Won't Get Fooled Again
  The Locket
  The Ugly Truth
  A Clockwork Nebari
  Liars, Guns and Money: Part 1: A Not So Simple Plan
  Liars, Guns and Money: Part 2: With Friends Like These...
  Liars, Guns and Money: Part 3: Plan B
  Die Me, Dichotomy
  Season 3
  Farscape Season 3,22集
  Season 3, Episode 1: Season of Death
  16 March 2001
  Season 3, Episode 2: Suns and Lovers 23 March 2001
  Season 3, Episode 3: Self-Inflicted Wounds: Part 1: Could'a, Would'a, Should'a 30 March 2001
  Season 3, Episode 4: Self-Inflicted Wounds: Part 2: Wait for the Wheel 6 April 2001
  Season 3, Episode 5: ...Different Destinations 13 April 2001 Moya's crew tries to relax on planet. A device unexpectedly reacts with Stark, and they get sent back in time. The crew must figure a way to get history back on course. This is not a typical sci-fi time travel episode. They're actions in the past have repercussions, and puts Farscape in a class all by itself. Season 3, Episode 6: Eat Me 20 April 2001
  Season 3, Episode 7: Thanks for Sharing 15 June 2001
  Season 3, Episode 8: Green Eyed Monster 22 June 2001
  Season 3, Episode 9: Losing Time 29 June 2001
  Season 3, Episode 10: Relativity 6 July 2001
  Season 3, Episode 11: Incubator 13 July 2001
  Season 3, Episode 12: Meltdown 14 July 2001
  Season 3, Episode 13: Scratch 'N' Sniff 20 July 2001
  Season 3, Episode 14: Infinite Possibilities: Part 1: Daedalus Demands 27 July 2001
  Season 3, Episode 15: Infinite Possibilities: Part 2: Icarus Abides 3 August 2001
  Season 3, Episode 16: Revenging Angel 10 August 2001 D'Argo injures Crichton, as Crichton lies in a coma/near death, he escapes into a highly animated world. It's Farscape, Chuck Jones/Loony Tunes style. Meanwhile D'Argo's actions create a crisis on Moya, which could destroy the Leviathan
  Season 3, Episode 17: The Choice 17 August 2001
  Season 3, Episode 18: Fractures 24 August 2001
  Season 3, Episode 19: I-Yensch, You-Yensch 5 April 2002
  Season 3, Episode 20: Into the Lion's Den: Part 1 - Lambs to the Slaughter 12 April 2002
  Season 3, Episode 21: Into the Lion's Den: Part 2 - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 19 April 2002
  Season 3, Episode 22: Dog with Two Bones 26 April 2002
  Season 4
  Farscape Season 4,22集
  Season 4, Episode 1: Crichton Kicks 7 June 2002
  Season 4, Episode 2: What Was Lost: Part 1 - Sacrifice 14 June 2002
  Season 4, Episode 3: What Was Lost: Part 2 - Resurrection 21 June 2002
  Season 4, Episode 4: Lava's a Many Splendored Thing 28 June 2002
  Season 4, Episode 5: Promises 12 July 2002
  Season 4, Episode 6: Natural Election 19 July 2002
  Season 4, Episode 7: John Quixote 26 July 2002
  Season 4, Episode 8: I Shrink Therefore I Am 2 August 2002
  Season 4, Episode 9: A Prefect Murder 9 August 2002
  Season 4, Episode 10: Coup by Clam 16 August 2002
  Season 4, Episode 11: Unrealized Reality 23 August 2002
  Season 4, Episode 12: Kansas 30 December 2002
  Season 4, Episode 13: Terra Firma 6 January 2003
  Season 4, Episode 14: Twice Shy 24 January 2003
  Season 4, Episode 15: Mental as Anything 20 January 2003
  Season 4, Episode 16: Bringing Home the Beacon 7 February 2003
  Season 4, Episode 17: A Constellation of Doubt 10 February 2003
  Season 4, Episode 18: Prayer 17 February 2003
  Season 4, Episode 19: We're So Screwed: Part 1: Fetal Attraction 28 February 2003
  Season 4, Episode 20: We're So Screwed: Part 2: Hot to Katratzi 7 March 2003
  Season 4, Episode 21: We're So Screwed: Part 3: La Bomba 14 March 2003
  Season 4, Episode 22: Bad Timing 21 March 2003


  在进游戏前打开一个窗口别关 进游戏后按Alt+Tab跳出 再在桌面上按鼠标右键 点属性调高分辨率 再把游戏打开就窗口了!
  还有就是直接进入游戏后按Ctrl+Alt+Del调出资源管理器 把cf最小化 然后再按上面方法调分辨率 也可以!
  祝你游戏愉快! 望采纳!


  遥远星际的字幕文件?我没有吧。我记得以前我的是遥远星际的下载资源。百度云盘上的资源可能是因为之前的净网行动,已经被取消删除了,我也没另外收藏留存。重新又帮你找了一下,貌似没有独立的字幕资源。之前人 .人影 .视也有这剧的下载资源,你可以去那儿再看看!
  如果找不到,给我留个Q 邮,只留@前的数字即可,我会继续帮你再找找看,找到的话,给你发邮件。 追问 目前找到3、4季的了· 不管怎样也谢谢你了· 够快的· 我就是在人人下的·但是字幕已经没了· 就怕过两天人人关闭了所以赶紧存资源· 86926171·我的邮箱· 你啥时候看到了就给我发就行·不着急找·谢了· 追答

  给你找到了新的资源,百度 yun 盘的:

  地 止已发送至你的u 箱,请注意查收吧!!




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