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抱怨的英文 (投诉抱怨的英文)

作者:宋圣斌 在线学习 2023-04-17 10:17:18 阅读:23


  Complain v.1.抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚 [I,T]For my own part, I have nothing to complain of.我这方面没有什么好抱怨的。
  He complained that the exam was too hard.他抱怨***太难了。
  2.控诉;投诉 [I,T]。


  vi. 抱怨,诉苦; 申诉,控诉,***;vt. 诉说,申诉,控告[后面常跟从句];[例句]Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises 矿工们愤愤不平地抱怨说政府没有履行诺言。


  抱怨 complain; grumble; murmur at:He is a grumbler.他是一个爱抱怨的人。
  She complained that he did not work hard.她抱怨他工作不努力。


  complain of向某人抱怨(某事)的英文:complain of sth to *** complain 读法 英 [kəmˈpleɪn] 美 [kəmˈpleɪn]短语:1、complain constantly经常地抱怨 2、complain fearfully可怕地抱怨。

埋怨某人 / 抱怨。英语怎么表达

  1 他总是喜欢埋怨别人。
   2 他向朋友们抱怨 他的工资太低了。
   3 那个女孩。complain 抱怨,诉苦 blame 埋怨,责怪 1 He always likes to blame others.2 He complains to his friends that he is low paid.3 The girl blames her mother for not waking her up.4 You shou。



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