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关于八大行星的英文资料 (关于八大行星的英语新闻)

作者:威明艳 在线学习 2023-04-01 22:49:30 阅读:22

8大行星用英文怎样说 (必须说出来)?

Mercury (水星):

——The Mercury is the smallest of the planets and the one nearest the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 88 days (水星是行星中最小且离太阳最近的星,围绕太阳公转所需的周期为88天。)

Mars (火星):

——The Mars is the fourth planet from the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 687 days. (火星是距太阳距离居第四位的行星,绕太阳公转周期为687天,).

Venus (金星):

——The Hesper is the planet Venus in its appearance. The Venus is the second planet from the sun, having a mass 0.815 times that of Earth, and a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 224.7 days. When appearing as the evening star, it can be called Hesper/Hesperus. (金星是离太阳第二远的行星,它的质量是地球质量的0.815倍,绕太阳转的公转周期为224.7天。傍晚出现时称作长庚星)

Saturn (土星):


It is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest in the solar system, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 29.5 years and a mass 95 times that of Earth. (土星是距太阳第六远的行星,是太阳系中第二大行星,绕日公转周期29.5年,质量是地球的95倍。)

Jupiter (木星):


The Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, the largest and most massive in the solar system, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 11.86 years. (木星是靠近太阳的第5颗行星,也是太阳系中最大的行星,绕太阳公转的恒星期为11.86年。)

Uranus (天王星):


The Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, revolving about it every 84.07 years. (是离太阳第七近的行星,每绕太阳一周为84.07年。)

Neptune (海王星):


The Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution around the sun of 164.8 years.(是太阳的第八颗行星。围绕太阳公转的恒星周期为164.8年)


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