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庙会在英语中是什么词 (庙会在英语中是什么词性的)

作者:卞馨荣 干货分享 2023-04-07 06:09:09 阅读:31



庙会在英语中是什么词 (庙会在英语中是什么词性的)

所以,你可以描述成,Temple Fair 或者 Temple Event(注意大写,让人家知道特有的名词)

sb participate in Temple Fair/Temple Event.就说是逛庙会了


举个例子,变形金刚里有句I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."

那个大学老师说的这句台词,来自于<圣经>,是有梗的,背后有故事,任你中国人想破头你都抓不到那个意思.这个梗来自于 alpha和omega是拉丁字母的首尾两个字母α,ω.{历史背景,当年古罗马的领土包括了今天的英国所有领土.因此很多词汇词根都来自于拉丁文,拉丁文也是母语为英语的国家必修的科目之一}所以意思其实是在描述上帝始、是终,是万物的根源,也是万物的归宿,描述上帝的全能.变形金刚里那个大学老师在片子里说他是老大,叫山姆不要搞事的意思.



除非,经过长期使用之后变成了外国人都知道的梗这个词汇或者句子才会沉淀下来,比如"long time no see"这个chinglish,在经过多少年的沉淀和使用以后终于被收录进了外国的权威英语词典当中.


Temple Fair庙会The most important holiday for the Chinese is the Chinese New Year,also called the Spring Festival.During the festival period,everyone goes back to their hometown and spends several days with family,and people hold many celebrations.Beijing has several fairs during the period.The fairs are held at various ancient temples,so they are called "temple fairs." Temple fairs,originated along with the development of Buddhist and Taoist activities,are a kind of mass gatherings that integrate religious worship,entertainment and commerce.Temple fairs in Beijing have a very long history,and saw a boom especially during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) as well as the Republic of China(1912-1949).Major temples all have their own festivals,some of which are held regularly.During the Spring Festival,temple fair is one of the most important activities,and a traditional cultural event that features all kinds of Chinese folk art.So far,there have been more than 10 major temple fairs held each year in Beijing.



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