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悉尼蓝山旅游简介 (悉尼蓝山公园简介)

作者:祁少阳 干货分享 2023-06-09 02:39:58 阅读:31


悉尼蓝山旅游简介 (悉尼蓝山公园简介)



第一条路线,以Leura Cascades为起点,有几个徒步的分路线可以选择。比如说Fern Bower Circuit,这条路线有4.5公里长,是徒步爱好者的最佳选择。途中层峦叠嶂,又有美丽的森林,实在是旅游的胜地,值得各位旅游的客人选择。还有Echo Points这里非常适合野餐,看着壮丽的风景,呼吸着甜美的空气,相信你会胃口大开。

第二条路线,是Cliff top walking track,这条路线可以看到花鸟,鹦鹉和石南花,一路风景如画。即使是南半球的冬天,这里的日照也非常充足,是寒冷冬季徒步的好选择。途中的Barrow Lookout还有壮丽的瀑布,适合喜爱户外观光的朋友欣赏和游玩。在温暖的阳光下席地而坐来一顿难忘的野餐再好不过了。

第三条路线是Scenic World’s Great Round Walk,这一路串联起了澳洲的众多美景,比如经典的cenic Skyway, Prince Henry Cliffwalk,这里的风景浓缩了蓝山的精华,于花海中漫步,呼吸着清新、柔和的花香,适合来旅游打卡的朋友选择。这里你可以欣赏到美丽壮观的三姐妹峰,乘坐缆车直接抵达山顶,一路的山峰和经典的景点会让你目不暇给。这一路可以满足摄影爱好者的拍摄欲。相信你会在这条路线上乐不思蜀。


蓝山(Blue Mountain)坐落于澳大利亚新南威尔士州,它与悉尼市区接壤,在悉尼以西约100公里处。 其丘陵起始于堪培拉西面五十公里,从内皮恩河(Nepean River)西岸延伸到科克斯河

The Blue Mountains is a mountainous region in New South Wales, Australia. It borders on Sydney's metropolitan area, its foothills starting approximately 50 kilometres west of the state capital.The area begins on the west side of the Nepean River and extends westward as far as Coxs River.Consisting mainly of a sandstone plateau, the area is dissected by gorges up to 760 metres deep. The highest point of the range is 1,190 metres above sea level. A large part of the Blue Mountains is incorporated into the Greater Blue Mountains Area World Heritage Site, consisting of seven national park areas and a conservation reserve.The Blue Mountains area includes the local government areas of the City of Blue Mountains, the City of Hawke***ury, the City of Lithgow and Oberon. The predominant natural vegetation of the higher ridges is eucalyptus forest. Heath-like vegetation is present on plateau edges above cliffs. The sheltered gorges often contain temperate rainforests. There are also many hanging swamps with button grass reeds and thick, deep black soil. Wollemia nobilis, the "Wollemi pine", a relic of earlier vegetation of Gondwana, is found in remote and isolated valleys of the Wollemi National Park.The main natural disasters to afflict the area are bushfires and severe storms. In recent years the lower mountains has been subjected to a series of bushfires which have caused great loss of property but relatively little loss of life. The upper mountains had not had a major fire for some decades until December 2002 (the Blackheath Glen Fire) and November 2006 when an extensive blaze in the Grose Valley threatened several communities including Bell and Blackheath (the Lawson Long Alley Fire). This latest fire burned for almost a month but was extinguished without loss of human life or property. A program of winter burning seems to have been quite successful in reducing fires in the upper mountains. The Greater Blue Mountains Area was unanimously listed as a World Heritage Area by UNESCO on 29 November 2000, becoming the fourth area in New South Wales to be listed.The area totals roughly 10,000 square kilometres, including the Blue Mountains, Kanangra-Boyd, Wollemi, Gardens of Stone, Yengo, Nattai and Thirlmere Lakes National Parks, plus the Jenolan Caves Karst Conservation Reserve.The reason why this site was chosen to be included on the World Heritage list is quoted below:“"Criteria (ii) and (iv): Australia’s eucalypt vegetation is worthy of recognition as of outstanding universal value, because of its adaptability and evolution in post-Gondwana isolation. The site contains a wide and balanced representation of eucalypt habitats from wet and dry sclerophyll, mallee heathlands, as well as localised swamps, wetlands, and grassland. 90 eucalypti tax (13% of the global total) and representation of all four groups of eucalypts occur. There is also a high level of endemi*** with 114 endemic taxa found in the area as well as 120 nationally rare and threatened plant tax. The site hosts several evolutionary relic species (Wollemia, Microstrobos, Acrophyllum) which have persisted in highly restricted micro sites." Tourist attractionsThe Edge Cinema offers visitors a panoramic view of the Blue Mountains.The Giant Staircase walking track runs down a cliff into the Jamison Valley, near the Three Sisters, providing access to nature walks through the valley.Jenolan Caves, a series of limestone caves south west of Katoomba.The Katoomba Scenic Railway, the steepest railway in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records, and originally part of the Katoomba mining tramways constructed between 1878 and 1900. The cable railway line descends 415 metres through sandstone cliffs, via a rock tunnel with a maximum gradient of 52 degrees. Also, at this location is the Scenic Skyway, a glass-bottom aerial cable car that traverses an arm of the Jamison Valley, and the Scenic Cableway, the steepest aerial cable car in Australia.The Norman Lindsay Gallery and Museum at Faulconbridge, operated by The National Trust of Australia and is located inside the former Norman Lindsay homestead, Springwood.The Toy Museum at Leura.Valley Heights Locomotive Depot Heritage Museum.The Zig Zag Railway: A steam-powered railway near Lithgow.A popular way to visit the Blue Mountains is by coach. True Blue tours are one of a few coach tour providers.




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