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血腥玛丽的主要成分 (血腥玛丽主要成就)

作者:赵颂鸣 在线学习 2023-05-25 12:40:11 阅读:27


血腥玛丽的主要成分 (血腥玛丽主要成就)




  2011 is the International Year of Chemistry. So scientists at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim raised a glass. (Or a beaker.) And they celebrated as only chemists can—by carefully analyzing its contents. [Neil Da Costa, "Flavor chemistry of the "Bloody Mary" cocktail"]


  The drink they dissected was the Bloody Mary, perhaps the world’s most chemically complex cocktail. A mix of tomato juice and vodka, along with lemon or lime, horseradish, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces, black pepper and celery salt, the Bloody Mary packs a punch. And it lights up nearly our entire range of taste receptors, giving us sweet, salty, sour and savory.


  To find out the Bloody Mary’s secret, researchers shared one with a chromatograph, which identified the various compounds that contribute to the drink’s flavor and bouquet. The scientists turned up plenty of antioxidants, as well as a few bartending tips.


  First, make it fresh. The acids in tomato juice can degrade the drink’s other ingredients. Also, make it cold—ice slows the degradation. Use the best tomato juice—the major source of flavor. But feel free to cheap out on the vodka. Its taste gets lost in the complex mix. In other words, chemists say to save the Grey Goose for other experiments.




“血红玛丽”;又称“血腥玛丽”,它是一种真正意义上的经典。它是如此活泼、新鲜、***,伟大的醒酒药、开胃酒,对于业余的调酒师,它比其他任何一种鸡尾酒都富于创造性元素。你可以随意增加和减少种类众多的成分,来使之成为专属于你的那一杯有着独特个性的Bloody Mary!你喜欢山葵(辛辣的调味品)吗?试试芥末怎么样?哦,讨厌热沙司?好,那来点墨西哥胡椒好了。这种饮料能让你在朋友和家人之间一夜成名!
一杯最基本的血腥玛丽需要包含伏特加酒、番茄酱、伍斯特沙司、热酱油、盐和胡椒粉、西芹盐、橙汁或柠檬汁,最后别忘了山葵。有特殊口味的人们,可以根据自己的需要添加其他成分,如芥末、黑胡椒、莳萝(香辣作料)、克拉莫汁等。另外,用其他基酒来代替伏特加,将会产生不同种类的其他风味的血腥玛丽,例如用金色龙舌兰调制成 “Deadly Mary”——致命玛丽,用琴酒调制成Red Snapper(红鲷鱼)等。


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