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英语作文续写 (英语作文续写caught in a flood)

作者:安明雅 生活经验 2023-05-22 14:20:24 阅读:26


英语作文续写 (英语作文续写caught in a flood)



1. 英语作文续写根据下面提示写一段续写文字,字数120左右

Hey dear,i am so sorry that it is not here any more.I like the bird so much.She is so lovely.I really want to keep and take care of it forever.But she is a bird,she needs the sky not the cage.So I let her go.My mom tells me,if you love someone,you should know what he needs and wants.Please five me.It is my way to love your gift.。

2. 英语续写作文,

It's a cloudy afternoon. There are few people on the road. Anne arrived first, she is feeling nervous because of the first meeting with “FUTURE”. But it's passed 15 minutes, nobody e. Suddenly it begins to rain, but she don't want to give up. But it's raining so heavy, she saw a man e to her with an umbrella, she is excited again. But he is her father, her father worried about her and want to pick her up. Finally she go back with her father.

It's passed one month later, Anne saw “FUTURE” online again, she really want to know the reason why he break his promise. But he said: I didn't break promise, remember when it's raining who take umbrella to you… …

3. 英语续写(120词左右)

Before departure,the mist is dispersing,this is the last night,the bapti *** of reasons.open the door,and a fresh wind with the wind,the weariness of my face suddenly disappeared.

We all along the sidewalk,sucking in the rain had to bring our good air.well,since the last few day is always the sun was fierce,the entire city seemed as if a large steamer,we find to a breath of fresh air,as it matches a few days.i have more and stay in an air-conditioned room.go over the delay in the plan.but today i can finally my days have been a dream of plan!e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333431346365

!I finally came to the top,i hailed.this is my father was so excited i say "daughter :look!" my dad her finger along the direction and the hangzhou!i was most surprised by the sweat!i don't shed in vain,in my trip to hangzhou this has been a great longing,that was hope you can see the whole hangzhou,i don't think i have been limited to a *** all space,i'll see more.the god give me a handsome present,

Yes,all good things and are not initially can be found,you is a persevering endeavor.my life is also true,but i was not daunted by difficulties in learning and hard to put forward,my life will have a good result.


4. 用英语写一篇短文,续写:Laseekend,Amy'sfamilwereverybusy.要在

同学,很高兴回答你的问题正确答案如下:Last weekend,Amy's family were very busy.On Saturday,they went to a farm.They helped Amy's uncle do farm work.They were a little tired,but they were very happy.They saw many things that couldn't be seen in the city.There were many beautiful flowers and trees on the farm.They had a big dinner in the evening.On Sunday,they cleaned their room at home.Amy's father cleaned windows.Her mother mopped the floor.Amy helped her parents carry water with a basin.After a day's work,Amy was very tired,but when she saw her family take a new look,she was very happy and proud.She thought a proverb "No pains,no gains."^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^不明白请继续追问,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^。

5. 英语短文续写字数是每篇150字吗

This morning, I had an unfettable English lesson. The bell rang and our history teacher came in. First he said that he was going to ask us some questions, and those who had not been asked questions recently would be asked first. On hearing this, I was very pleased, for I had been asked a question a week before. So I didn't have to worry about anything. But unluckily, I was asked again. But I couldn't answer the question. At last with a red face I had to say sorry to the teacher. The teacher didn't criticize me. How shy I was at that time。

6. 英语作文续写加改错帮我把这篇文章续写下,我实在写不下去了,前

Do you like children Do you like looking after children?Yesterday ,I went to visit my uncle .My uncle and aunt 's daughter 's name is Mao Kexin ,we call her Xinxin .Xinxin is only 3 years old .She is very cute and clever .So we all like her very much..In the afternoon ,my father ,mother ,aunt and uncle were all going out .Just Xinxin and me stayed at home .They let me take care of Xinxin.I hugged her to sit on the sofa to watch TV .Xinxin wanted to watch cartoons,so I put the television show the animations .After a while ,she seemed hungry ,so she cried for eating .Then I gave her a carton of milk and a piece of bread .After that ,she *** iled happily ,and continued to watch the cartoon.But good times didn't last long ,after a long time .I put her on the sofa ,but she accidentally pee in the sofa .I'm very surprised and unhappy .I quickly used a towel to wipe up the sofa and clean up the pee.in some ways,children are trouble,but they are very lovely and lively,their lives are very free,they do not need to worry about many things.If i stay with them.I can fet the trouble.Children are pure.when i am with them,my heart is also clean and honest.i love children!i love to stay with them!我直接在原文修改了。

7. 续写英语短文有一天,一个小男孩踢博彩,他跑到街上去捡球,差一

Fast Food Scraps Threaten Rat Plague?Britain is facing a sharp rise in its rat population as growing numbers of people leave fast food scraps in the street,an environment group warned.Keep Britain Tidy said the rodents were abandoning their traditional haunts underground and were roaming the streets,enticed by discarded remnants of burgers,pizzas and crisps."The rat population is on the rise and soon it'll be as mon to see a rodent on our street as it is to see a dog or a cat," said group Director,Sue Nelson.The practice of dumping fast food litter and scraps on the street rather than in the trash - with young men the worst offenders - was behind the rise.According to the National Rodent Survey in 2001,Britain's rat population has grown by nearly one quarter since 1998 and is now estimated at 60 million,o million more than the human population.On average a rat can give birth every 24-28 days and just a single pair of rats can produce a colony of 2,000 a year.Around 200 Britons a year contract Weil's Disease - an infection which can lead to kidney or liver failure and eventually death and which is carried in rat's urine.To highlight the issue,Keep Britain Tidy launched a cinema advert entitled "How close do you want them to get?" The ad culminates in a shocking image of a young woman sleeping in a bed of rats - echoing the nigare scenario from James Herbert's classic horror tale The Rats,in which mutant rodents begin to prey on humans.。

8. 【续写英语作文longtimeago,Theywasaking,Namelaison

long time ago , There was a king , Name laison . He had three sons , But one day , he lost them..,He was very worried and sad so he went everywhere to look for them. One day he was passing a mountain,he saw some tigers playing in it .He came up to ask if they had seen his sons but got no answer. He went on to a field where some ducks were resting on it .He came up to ask about his lost sons but they also hadn't seen them. Finally he asked his friends in the woods to help him look for his sons .All the animals were very glad to help him because he was always to help others in the usual days .With the help of the animals in the forest his sons were found at the foot of a mountain.Laison thanked them again and again.。


Task2: Talking on a given topic
  Direction: Describe an embarrassing situation in which you got very angry.
  Task3: Role-playing
  Directions: The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 female students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show that by average, of all the applicants, females have scored higher than most males. Should the department stick to its original plan?
  Student A: You think the department should still stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation.
  Student B: You don’t think the department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.


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